Collecting Vintage Vintage Trifari Jewelry is always in demand with jewelry enthusiasts and in this post I'll give you a full overview of the company and it's history. A quick search on eBay reinforces the value that some Trifari pieces can still garner in today's market. Take a look at this stunning piece currently listed for $6,750.00 USD! Trifari 'Alfred Philippe' Jelly Belly Turquoise and Black Winged Bird of Paradise in Flight Pin Description: gold plated base metal, rhinestones, … [Read more...]
Antique Shop Treasure Hunting (9 Things to Look for)
One of my favorite things to do on the weekend is to go treasure hunting in antique stores and second hand shops. However, sometimes it can be hard to distinguish junk from treasure. There are some items you should never pass up in an Antique shop. So let’s get started with the 9 things you should never pass up while hunting for antique treasures. … [Read more...]
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